Broad wings, laden with gossamer tawny feathers, are designed to soar, stretched wide in the wild void of shifting wind currents over the Rocky Mountains.​
Golden eagles haven't evolved to live in or near wind farms, but in some cases, they no longer have a choice.
Green energy is an advancing field and a very important one. We must be able to harness our planet's sustainable forces because we have no other options. But as with anything that involves greatly impacting the natural world, sometimes we have to take a step back and consider the cost. Nothing is black and white, and humans are pretty good at selling good intentions while secretly having bad ones.
Visit https://www.albanycountyconservancy.org/ to learn more about this issue and to support those trying to do some good and help some eagles!
Teaser Credits:
Edit and Interview by Friendly Fishes Films
Aerials by Michael Stephan
Footage by Wild Excellence Films